Monday, April 14, 2008

The Trouble with Tubes

Anyone every read "The Trouble with Trolls" by Jan Brett? Well, that is the inspiration for my title.

As most of you know, we have had the WORST luck with our kids and ear infections. Kyle had tubes put in a week before he turned one. Aubrey had hers put in when she was 16 months old and Olivia was 9 months old when she got hers. I think I cursed us when, in our christmas letter this past December, I stated that we hadn't had any more EIs since October. Well, we have actually had many more since BUT the worst thing is that Kyle, who was doing SO well--as in only 3 ear infections in nearly 3 years post tubes, has had 3 in the past two months. After two bad nights with him (read previous post on my baby mafia members)I got him into the doc today. He still has one tube in (which is another story since we were told by one ENT last May that both were out) and that ear is full of debris and junk (could be fluid draining) and the other non-tubed ear was infected. We see the ENT at the end of the month for ALL three to have their ears rechecked. Apparently Aubrey's are working their way out as well (someone asked me if they had a warranty plan on the tubes =P!). And Kyle's shouldn't have ever been in more than two years without being surgically removed. So who knows what the future holds for my little ones' ears but let's just hope tonight holds a good night's sleep for all!

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