Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Night Away

Sage and I took the opportunity to go (by ourselves--thank you, Dad and Mom!) to Big Timber last night to check on the house and make sure everything is still working and that the house wasn't blown away by the famous Big T winds! I hadn't had a night away from the kids since we moved to Dillon in March 2007! Our house was still there and looks good as new--oh, is basically new! We are still not sure what the future holds for us and this house. It has been for sale for 13 months and the market is DEAD! Our contract with the realtor is up at the end of the month and so we hope to list it for sale by owner. Without the realtor fees, we can lower the asking price by about $14,000! If that doesn't do it, we may just be moving back. I figure it's a win/win whatever happens because it will be what's supposed to happen! Please keep us in your prayers to make the right decision! Thank you!

Isn't it a cute little house? Let's hope the rightful inhabitants will make it a home!

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