Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Aubrey the Ripper......

So all three kids were getting a bath together the other night (which is a very common affair in our house) and as I am gathering up everyone's jammies, I hear Kyle say..."Aubrey, you're ripping me off." I thought it was a strange comment (now when would he have heard me say that?) but went on my merry mothering way of preparing for their bath departures. Soon Kyle calls, "Mom!" so I went into the bathroom to hear Kyle say, "Aubrey keeps grabbing my pee and she's going to rip it off!" And there that poor little boy sits with hands clasped tightly between his legs and which stayed tightly clasped until I exited Aubrey out of the tub.

Of course I had to keep my composure and turn to Aubrey and be as serious as I could in explaining to leave Kyle alone but boy, have I had some good laughs about it!

Good, good times!


Katie and Dennis said...

Oh this is tooooo funny! I don't know how you kept your composure! Good good times is right! Thanks so much for the laugh!

debbie said...

I laughed and laughed at this. Darrell didn't think it was quite as hilarious as I did, but oh well!