Sunday, April 13, 2008

Conspiracy Theory

I think my children are secretly trying to do me in. Beneath those sweet innocent faces must be the little workings of the baby mafia!
Let me tell you my story and you can come up with your own conclusion. My night last night started out much like any other night. The kids were asleep in their beds (even Aubrey who was uprooted from her crib) and I was in bed a little after 11:00 pm. I have started having another cough (reminiscent of when I had bronchitis last month) which also did it's best to keep me awake. I finally got up and found whatever cough syrup that was handy (ended up being the children's stuff), drank up and prayed for some shut eye. Sometime after 12:30 am, I heard my youngest little conspirator crying out for me. Knowing she couldn't be hungry (well that and I felt too tired to drag myself up the stairs) I just scooped her up in my arms and she and I laid down in the extra bed in the room she sleeps in. I think we both dozed off around 1:00 am. I was O-U-T!! At 3:00 am my oldest conspirator started whining. Kyle RARELY wakes up at night. As I laid there deciding what to do and trying to make out what he was whining for, I had a great plan that I would lay there so as to not wake up Olivia and Sage could get up with him. Sounds like a good plan, right? Well, then it dawned on me that Sage was working and would therefore NOT be getting Kyle. I laid Olivia back in her crib very carefully and went off to help Kyle. He was thirsty so I got him a drink and shuffled my way back into my bed hoping to pass out on the bed and not the floor. Not long after, the middle conspirator (aka Aubrey) decided that although she was now in a bed that she could get out of, she could not for some reason get out to get her sippy cup. "Sippy cup," she cried. Up I got again, retrieved said sippy, handed to righful owner and off to bed I went again. A few minutes later, Kyle decides he needs to go potty. Now this kid has been potty-trained for almost 2 years and does not need any assistance but for some reason at 3:30/4:00 he felt the need to inform me of his need to go. Before my eyes could even close again, Olivia was awake and crying. This time I got up the energy to make it upstairs for her bottle, handed it to her and once again, headed to my bed. Well, apparently she missed her bed mate for the night and was not having any of me sleeping in a room all by myself. It took her a little while this time to go back to sleep and as the clock reached 5:30 am, we both sank into the pillows. Perhaps under "normal" circumstances, the children might've slept in a bit after a night like that but Olivia was up and ready to go by 7:30 when I had to get up anyway to get ready for church. The irony is that I had to wake the other two (anyone else's children ONLY attempt to sleep late on days they can't???).

So technically, I got two 2-hour "naps" last night and have felt the effects! Now you tell me.....look into these faces and tell me you don't see something of a little heathen in each! ;)

I REALLY need to go to bed now....but if I don't seem to blog for a few days, you may want to come find me--perhaps I will be in the fetal position in some corner!


debbie said...

Well, even though I don't have 3 cute conspirators, I do have a wee one that is making me get up every 2 hours or so to use the bathroom. I can only imagine that I'll really be able to sympathize with the limited hours of sleep in a few weeks.

Kimberly said...

LOL--pregnancy has a way of preparing you in some ways for those late night/early morning "up" times!