Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Toilet Teeth and Enemas: A Child's Guide to Gross Survival

No matter how hard we try, our children will find away to somehow totally gross us out!

Tonight while I was supervising teethbrushing (yes, I was too worn out to fight Aubrey's shark teeth so I let her and Kyle brush their own tonight *gasp*), I took my eyes off of my precocious 2 year old for one second and out of the corner of my eye, I see her dipping and brushing from the TOILET!! UGH! Not that this is a first time event mind you but I was THERE. The other times she had a partner in crime (aka Daniel) and they managed to use several toothbrushes but at least I wasn't in the room so they had full reign I guess you could say.

Perhaps the best discovery of Olivia's this day was an adult enema. Don't ask where she got it just know that yes, she was stealth-like. Now, I am only accostumed to seeing baby enemas which are teeny but holy cow....hope I don't need one of those for myself soon! Anyway, hoping that the ingredients are all natural (and maybe will stimulate hair growth ;)!) Ha! Not much was missing and I dare say more was on the floor than possibly got in her mouth but they need to put child proof caps on those babies!

Somehow my children have continued to survive so they must be born tough!