Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Baby Boy Turns 4

On March 27, 2004, my life changed forever. Not only was I a daughter, sister, aunt, wife but I was a MOTHER!! Kyle Sage Hawley joined us at 8:21 am and weighed in at 6 lbs 10 oz and since he felt the need to jump into life feet first, was delivered cesarean.

As I contemplate the past 4 years that I have had this little guy in my life, I am so incredibly blessed. He has come with such an incredible spirit and I stand in awe that I have been allowed to be his mother. He is always thanking me for things. He is SO thoughtful and while I have been recovering from knee surgery, he has been right there to wipe my brow--SO sweet! He is sincere in his prayers and prays about anything and everything. My favorite is when he includes "The Statue of the Liverty" as he calls it. Thanks to Little Einsteins, he knows what the statue of liberty is and while we were in Las Vegas visiting family, he saw the replica of the statue at New York, New York and was very excited to see it!

Happy 4th Birthday Kyle! I LOVE YOU!


Derek said...

What a fun kid!

debbie said...

I love the space ship cake! How fun! I can't believe he's 4 already! What a cutie!