Aubrey has been in either a crib or pack-n-play for her whole little life so we decided that now would be a good time to make the switch to a bed. Her early morning screaming sessions to be let out of her crib also assisted GREATLY in our decision. So while the girls were out getting dirty, we got Aubrey's new bed all ready for her. I suppose her initial reaction should've been a good indicator how she really felt about the move. She just stood there and looked around as if to say..." where's my bed?" She and Kyle played around a bit on the beds and then abandoned them until bedtime. After prayers, Aubrey climbed up like a big girl onto her bed without any trouble and I thought it was going as easily as I had thought it would. Well, after about 5 minutes, she started crying and didn't stop so I went in. She told me....."new bed........mine". *translation* "I don't like this new bed. Give me mine back!" Having already put the crib away and hearing the shrill echoes in my head of her early morning wake up calls, she just will have to get used to it I guess! I *do* feel bad, don't get me wrong. I feel as though I have taken her favorite blanket away or something but again, *imagine SHRILL*
MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY rings loud and clear in my head and if we can avoid that tomorrow morning, a few tears tonight will be worth it!
1 comment:
So, how did Aubrey do last night? If only she knew the freedom this new bed will provide. She might even be able to sneak out and play while all the adults think she is "sleeping." I think once she really realizes the benefits of the new sleeping arrangements, then things will be great!
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