Friday, October 31, 2008


And no, I am not talking about mutual or girls camp of yesteryear or Mamma Mia. I have truly been missing in action. Only because we have been swallowed up in unpacking and getting settled. Oh, and we don't have internet set up for the time being. But I do live and we are doing well. I hope to get Halloween pics up soon. We made pancakes that looked like pumpkins this morning, gutted our pumpkin and cut out his facial features and Kyle has a costume parade and little program at his school this afternoon that I will leave to go to soon! Just wanted to check in and hope to be back to my blogging obession soon!


debbie said...

Yay! You're back! I can't wait to see the pictures and hear how you're all doing. Hmmm. Maybe I should just pick up the phone and find out. Novel idea!

Katie and Dennis said...

Glad to see some action! I had to go rescue the butter from Mary after reading your first sentence so I was almost dying to get back to find out what mia was. And then I read it and said, oh yeah!

Hope to see some pictures of your cute kids soon!

Derek said...

You are alive? Even after that BYU football game yesterday?

Kimberly said...

LOL! Glad to know that there are still some people who have faith that I just might have some pics to post! =) They will be coming soon!