Monday, July 14, 2008

Middle of Nowhere


When it comes to traveling, I don't have a child that asks, "Are we there yet?" Instead, it is "Where are we?" And Kyle wants specifics as in names of towns. And then he'll ask, "What's next? Then what?" Most of the roads we travel to are lined with teeny, weeny blink-and-you-might-miss places many of which I do not know the names. And if it so happens that there are no towns around (which is also common), then I have just come up with a stand by "middle of nowhere." I didn't really think Kyle would pick up on it but recently while going somewhere Kyle asked, "Where are we?" When I failed to come up with a name he asked, "In the middle of nowhere?" And recently, that is exactly how I feel. I can see where I've been and I know my end goal but have NO idea where I am in between. Sometimes the tumbleweeds and dusty roads just seem endless with no other life in sight. There are little pit stops to get needed fuel and nourishment to go on and on and then we trudge through the middle of nowhere again. The journey I am mostly referring to is that of putting our house up for sale, moving back to Dillon, moving in with my parents, and waiting and waiting and waiting. We thought for sure our house would sell in 3 months TOP. When the realtor had us sign the listing agreement and set it for a year, I thought she was crazy! Here it is 16 months later and NOTHING (aka middle of nowhere). It's like we are stuck in this tug-o-war of wanting to be our own independent family and the waiting game. This has been harder than I suppose I might've ever imagined. Mostly because I am not a patient person (hmmm...lesson here?) and also because I think that what we are striving for is a good thing for everyone involved! So until we reach "House Sold" and "Welcome Home" we continue to pray for the strength to endure what Sage has aptly named, the detour.


debbie said...

Beautifully worded! I too pray that your little family will soon be out of the "middle of nowhere." I love you guys tons!

Janell said...

Middle of nowhere stinks - so hope things work out soon in one direction or another!! Love this post, BTW.