I seem to always have a TON of pictures and not a lot of dialogue. Some of you may find it a welcomed relief (especially those who have to hear from me on a regular basis). As I visit other blogs, I am constantly reminded that I definitely lack the black print on the page.
It's not that I don't have a lot to say. Maybe it's more of a safeguard from my thoughts. Although I never seem to have a problem wearing my heart and consequent emotions on my sleeve, I guess I just haven't quite figured out how to do that exactly in blogdom.
I guess what I usually share through pictures is what is foremost in my life which almost always is my children. And for those of you perusing blogs and see all the pictures of my kiddos and say "tsk, tsk...dangerous, dangerous" I assure you that if anyone were to somehow find me and take my kids, they would quickly return them to their rightful owner after one of Aubrey's terrible twos episodes so I guess I am not afraid to make nearly every post child bound! =)
We attended a family reunion this weekend to celebrate my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary and my grandpa's 80th birthday. It was a truly wonderful weekend. There were 85 of us there (EVERYONE was there) with 2 one the way. We were even lucky enough to find a professional photographer who agreed to take such a group shot! And it went fabulously I must say! Were we worried? OH YAH!!! Were we blessed!! OH YAH YAH!! I can't wait to get the pics on the photographers website because we got our own little family pictures PLUS a couple of just the kids and they actually smiled....at the same time...while looking at the camera...at the same time!
TMI WARNING: **Discussion of bodily fluids to follow** It was SO hot and past the kids lunch and naptimes so this was even more surprising to have turned out so well. As the kids were withering away, we were all pictured out and on our way to a church for a program and dinner. Sage (who had just gotten off work at 7 AM, slept for 45 minutes and then got up so we could go) stopped at a gas station to get something to eat and drink when Aubrey started to make choking and crying sounds. As Sage went in, I got out to help Aubrey. I opened the sliding door on the van and discovered to my dismay that she had puked. And as I was getting ready to get her out of her carseat, she launched a whole other round of pukage EVERYWHERE!!! The carseat was covered (even the part that she had covered with her tooshy), the floor, the actual seat of the van, the car mat, her nice dress, her new sandels, AND the seat belt to the seat in front of her! I frantically got her out and simultaneously was looking for any sort of sprinkler or hose (we were in the heart of farm land so I knew my chances had to be pretty good even if it was a pivot). I couldn't see any in close vicinity so I proceeded to strip Aubrey in the parking lot to her diaper--and it was SO hot! I hurriedly rushed inside (yes, yes....I did leave my kids alone in the van while I ran into the little store but the door was wide open and I felt I had an ox in the mire....or a kid in the puke however you want to look at it). I really think we were being watched over because wouldn't you know, this little gas station had a car wash bay and the nice lady inside let us just pull on in and use their high powered hose to blast off Aubrey's now exposed lunch. Since the carseat was dismantled and now soaking wet from water, we just had to strap Aubrey into the normal seat belt and off we went to a pit stop at my grandparents house to bath her and clean myself up and run a batch of laundry as I managed to acquire some of her upings on me. Well, while we were there, Kyle had a diarrhea incident (luckily IN the toilet) so he went into the tub as well.
We laid the carseat cover out to dry and, because we knew we were needed at the church for the program, headed in our stinky van--luckily it was only a couple of miles away.
The program was incredible with each family (as in each of the original 7 being represented) doing a number for us. We laughed and reminisced the past decades of memories that centered around my grandparents. Such fond memories we have!
The rest of the night was, thank goodness, rather uneventful and just pleasant even though none of my kids had taken a wink of a nap. As nighttime drew near, we packed up and went to our motel where Sage, the kids and I enjoyed the pool and hot tub before crawling into bed exhausted. Somehow I was the "lucky" one chosen by Aubrey to be her sleeping companion. I honestly don't know if I slept much more than two shut eye minutes. That girl tossed and turned and screamed ALL night. I am pretty sure I have toe nail markings in my calves. Sage, Kyle and Olivia had a fabulous sleep. (No, I am not bitter in the least bit.....and no, it's not my fault for biting your head off so don't even bother to bother me!)
After church, we had another really nice meal and then the kids were so spent that we headed home. Kyle and Olivia were out quickly but of course Aubrey decided she needed to serenade us for awhile until finally zonking out herself. When we got home it was still 92 degrees (in the evening this is not really common here) and the kids were on each other's case about EVERYTHING! When it clouded over, making it a bit more bearable, we all went outside where the kids ran off some excess energy (or maybe it was lack of sleep). They were then bathed (except for Aubrey who was too busy being a mommy to her dolls and toy puppy and I was NOT going to interrupt that for anything....yes, I admit....I am afraid of her! And being squeaky clean didn't sound all that important if I could avoid another falling out from her!
So they are all in bed.....and I don't think a single one is asleep yet even though it's been 45 minutes!! SLEEEEEEEP babies SLEEEEEEEEP!!!!
***so there I go...showing the world just how long winded I can be...I think I hear moans...."just post pics PLEASE! PLEASE PLEASE"***